Found these. Love them. Had to share them.

On our kitchen counter, a beautiful wood inlay cheese board holds a place of honour. A gift from our best friends, we have pampered it, but it is starting to show wear and as much as it makes me a little sad, it also makes me a little proud that we are having so much fun with it. This great infographic is only going to wear it out more. I think I like that!
Presented By Cabot Creamery
Isn’t this one of those things where you think, “Gee, wish I though of that!” Gotta pick me up some M&M’s. Love it!
You can find the original at
Happy Hallowe’en Sipping All!
“People who are always taking care of their health are like misers, who are hoarding a treasure which they have never spirit enough to enjoy.” ― Laurence Sterne
Recently my doctor put me on a low-carb regimen. She also strongly recommended I seek out low-fat options too. So, I have incorporated some new recipes into my life. I always knew that most spirits were low-fat, but you can imagine my delight when I realized they also have no carbs in them. Truly. Rum, vodka, tequila, gin, whisky… no carbs. So, that means I can keep “cooking with sin!”
I’m not going to pretend that alcohol is healthy in any way. Heck, Grandma called in “sin” for a reason. While spirits have no carbs or fat in them, they still contain about 100 calories per shot – aka a jigger, 1.5 oz, 43 ml. I even went several months without touching any of it, just to be on the safe side, but once I learned it was carb-free, well… you know. 😉
This roast turkey breast recipe is the first really great recipe I came up with on my new healthy-yet-still-sinful regimen. Now, this one has white wine in it, which definitely has carbs, but there’s that whole moderation thing I tend to keep in mind. 😉
1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
2. Loosen the skin on the turkey and place it in a roasting pan.
3. Mix together all the dry ingredients with the olive oil and lemon juice to make a paste.
4. Using your hands, rub the paste all over the breast and under the skin so it is evenly distributed. Pour the wine in the bottom of the pan.
5. Place the pan in the oven for 1.5 – 2 hours until the skin is golden and the meat is 165°F.
6. Remove from the oven and cover with foil for 10 minutes, then slice and serve with the juices.
If you’re curious to know, a 3.5 oz serving of a typical white table wine contacts 100 calories and 3 grams of carbs. That’s a little less than what this recipe calls for, but remember most of it stays in the juices in the pan.
Each month in 2014, I am sharing a calendar page that includes a CWS recipe. Here is March’s!
Click to open up the large version of the calendar page, then right click and save or copy it for yourself. Print it off for your fridge, share it with a friend, post it at your office … etc.
I just ask, if you use it in a document, please use the entire image, so Cooking With Sin gets the credit. Thank you. It is yours to enjoy!
Check out the story from the original recipe “Veal Cutlets Breaded in Paradise.”