NEW! The “Cooking With Sin” E-Book!No Shipping! No Waiting! Awesome Price!
You get the entire book as a PDF, all 232 pages, all the gorgeous photos, stories and tested recipes PLUS the bonuses. That’s over $80 in value and you pay only ….. $14.99!
Click this link to go directly to my personal site where you can buy your copy of the e-book and get all your bonuses now!
Curious what “Cooking With Sin” is all about? Take a look!
These are some of the photos that were especially shot for the book!
Just as the blog is a collection of peoples’ stories and recipes, the book was a collective effort also. While I took the majority of the photos, I was pleased to have a few other photographers take “shots” of some of the food.
Great big “Thank you”s go to…
Wayne Atack of took the photos of “She’s a Trooper” Cherries Jubilee. Click here to see some of his magnificent photos.
Brenda England of took the photos of “Savoury Scent” Chicken Soup and “Sin Supper with the Goddesses” Better Than Recess.
Audrey Roorda took the photos of “Poverty Line” German Potato Salad and Derek Marsh took photos for a few other recipes.
“Sin Supper with the Goddesses” Better Than Recess
– Yes, that’s one of Brenda’s photos!
“Edible Magic” Scallop Martini
“New Life” Home Brew Stew Biscuits
Look inside the first few pages!
Tags: Buy the book
Thanks for contributing to a great Christmas gift. Truth be known when I saw the website that Chris had done for you I wondered if maybe I would get your book! I look forward to working my way through the book. Each recipe looks more wonderful than the next. I am also enjoying the stories from those who submitted a recipe and the pictures are absolutely fabulous. Thanks again!
Aha! You know your son well.
I’m so glad you like the book!
For others reading this, here’s the link to the post about how Chris gifted the book to his mom.
Happy Holidays!