When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. ~ Jenny Joseph
Nora (Schwier) Goodwin was raised in a close, loving German family. Nora’s Mami (mom) Mary Anne Schwier has a very fond memory from the 1950’s when she was in her early 20’s and Nora’s Omi (grandmother), had taken her home made German Eierlikör (eggnog) on a visit to the neighbours. While Mami had a brief moment of embarrassment that day, she and Nora continue to make Omi’s delicious eggnog every year at Christmas time.

Mami from the time of the story
This is Mami’s story of Omi in her own words.
Jedes Jahr um die Weihnachtszeit machte meine Mutter zwei-drei Flaschen Eiercongnac. Einst luden uns die Nachbarn auf eine Tasse Kaffee und etwas alkoholisches ein. Mama nahm eine Flasche von ihrem frischen Eierlikör mit, um davon etwas in den Kaffee zu schütten. Das muss ihr wohl selbst gut geschmeckt haben, weil sie noch ein paar mal nachgeschüttet hat. Davon hatte sie einen kleinen Schwipps und weil ich das garnicht von ihr gewöhnt war, fing ich an mit ihr zu schimpfen. “Ach”, sagte sie, “ich tu doch nur so, ich bin doch noch ganz nüchtern”. Dann haben wir nur gelacht.

Omi at the time of the story
Every year around Christmas my mother made 2 or 3 bottles of eggnog. When our neighbours invited us over for coffee, cake and a drink, mom took a bottle of her fresh eggnog along, and poured some in her coffee. It must have tasted real good because she kept adding more, till I thought she was getting tipsy. I had never seen her like that before, and I told her she better not have any more. She told me that she was only pretending, and not to worry. Then we all had a good laugh.

Omi, Opa and baby Nora
“Pretending to be Tipsy” German Eierlikör
Makes 1 litre
1 litre (1 quart) milk 6 whole eggs 2 cups (1 lb) of sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 375 ml brandy or cognac1. Heat slowly, stirring with whisk continuously until it boils.
2. Let it bubble for 1 minute.
3. Remove from heat and stir until it’s cool. *Tip: Put pot in sink filled with cold water to speed up cooling.
4. Once cool, strain through strainer to remove tiny lumps.
5. Then stir in vanilla and brandy or cognac. Serve.
Danke Omi!

Mami today

Nora and her family today
If you love this recipe, you will also want to check out “Wedding Pudding” Dutch Advokaat. http://cookingwithsin.com/2010/05/30/dutch-wedding-pudding-advokaat/
Tags: Eggs, Gluten-free, Vegetarian
[…] you love this recipe, you will also love “Pretending to be Tipsy” German Eierlikor http://cookingwithsin.com/2011/03/27/%e2%80%9cpretending-to-be-tipsy%e2%80%9d-german-eierlikor/ Posted in Beverage, Brandy, Dessert, Gin, […]