Posts Tagged ‘Events’

Soup Sisters Soothe the Soul

Posted on: March 5th, 2013 by Carla Johnson No Comments

“You can do almost anything with soup stock, it’s like a strong foundation. When you have the right foundation, everything tastes good.” ~ Martin Yan

Carla Johnson

At any given time, Anselma House & Haven Houses’ 75 beds are full. That’s 75 women and children who have had the courage to leave an abusive relationship. That’s 75 women & children who have experienced hatred and pain from someone who was supposed to love and cherish them. Many left in a hurry with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Many left fearing for their lives. They all need food, clothing, protection and time to rebuild and restructure their lives. Anselma House & Haven House, women’s crisis shelters, do their best to provide just that.

Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin

A week ago I was honoured to join a group of women from Leadership Waterloo who organized a cooking event with The Soup Sisters. We were divided into smaller groups to make great big batches soups for Anselma House and Haven House. There was chicken noodle soup, hamburger soup, lentil soup and a few others. The group I was in made a delicious batch of hearty chilli.

It was such a fun night! Each of us paid $50 to cover the cost of the groceries and wine with our meal. First we were given cutting and chopping instructions and safety tips. Then we donned our aprons and grabbed our knives. We chopped, peeled, cooked, stirred and laughed the evening away. I was given the especially fun job of crushing canned tomatoes by hand! I felt like I Love Lucy in the grape stomping episode. If there had been an award for the messiest apron, I would have proudly won it. 😆

Carla Johnson

When it was all done and the big pots were full and simmering on the stoves, we sat down for a group meal. We were served a bowl of the lentil soup that one group had made, some bread and a glass of wine. After our meal we poured our big pots of soups and chilli into storage containers for the Soup Sisters to deliver to the shelters.

When we were done, we learned we had made enough soup for two weeks of meals for those 75 women and children. It was wonderful to be part of such a soul-full evening. Abuse is sadly rampant in our world and it truly was an honour to be part of the healing. Thank you to the Culinary Studio for being the host kitchen.

Carla Johnson

Click here for the photos from the February 26th event. You will notice we had one Broth Brother with us. :)

Cooking With Sin Carla Johnson

If you suspect you or someone you know is in an abuse relationship, read this list of “Characteristics of Abusers” put together by Anselma House. Please know that people are available who want to help you or your friend.

Here is “The Soup Sisters Cookbook”

Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin

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Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin

Twitter @Carla_Johnson

Flaming Cherries Jubilee

Posted on: February 14th, 2013 by Carla Johnson No Comments

“Love must be as much a light as it is a flame.” H. D. Thoreau

Cooking With Sin Carla Johnson

This past Saturday I shared Flaming Cherries Jubilee, a simplified version of  “She’s a Trooper” Cherries Jubilee on the Cooking Stage at The Total Woman Show in Kitchener. On the Friday evening before I was practising my flambé skills – fortunately nothing was singed! – when I realized I was running low on Kirsch. I made a point of heading out early Saturday morning to buy another bottle only to learn the entire city of Cambridge was sold out!

Cooking With Sin Carla Johnson

I needed something with an alcohol content of 40% so it could ignite and one of the liquor store managers talked me into using marshmallow vodka. I had never bought or tasted it before, but I decided to take his word for it. I’m so glad I did!

When I arrived at the show I was so happy to find out my friend Jay Chagnon was hosting my segment. I was also relieved to have my friend Chef D of Chef D TV working nearby to help re-jig that cooking surface for me. Jay and I ended up inviting Chef D to join us on stage and we had a fantastic time. Much hilarity ensued and I just hope the audience had as much fun as we did.

Cooking With Sin Carla Johnson

Me and Chef D on The Total Woman Stage - Photo Credit K. Stenhouse

Deciding to add the marshmallow vodka at the last minute was certainly a risk, especially with a live audience there to taste it, but it was a wonderful surprise! In fact, it was so good that two of the volunteers who were helping afterward cleaned up the pan with their bare fingers! Yup, “finger licking good!” 😆

If you saw us on stage, you know we joked about measuring the booze with a “wrist feel” where you pour until your wrist feels lighter, but for this post I’ll give you some more specific amounts. Feel free to add as much as you want. That’s all part of the fun and it’s especially timely for a Valentine’s Day dinner.

Flaming Cherries Jubilee

Serves 6
1 can cherry pie filling
2 ounces Cointreau
2 ounces marshmallow vodka
2 ounces Kirsch
vanilla ice cream

1. Pour the can of cherry pie filling into a large pan. Heat on high until bubbling.

2. Move the cherries to the side of the pan then pour the alcohol onto the scrapped side of the pan. This ensures the alcohol comes in contact with the pan directly and heats up quickly. Using a lighter with a long nozzle, ignite the alcohol.

3. Let the flames burn down then mix it into the pie filling. You can also douse the flames with the pan lid if you wish.

4. Pour the warm cherries and sauce over individual dishes of vanilla ice cream and serve.

*Tip* You will want to make this in the evening when it is dark to appreciate the glow of the flames.

I especially like this recipe because it is very simple, very showy and the cherries remain a nice red colour.

Cooking With Sin Carla Johnson

Photo credit

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Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin

CWS and Natalie MacLean

Posted on: January 19th, 2013 by Carla Johnson No Comments

Cooking With Sin got a really nice boost this week. Natalie MacLean, our extraordinary Canadian sommelier and wine writer, invited me to become a wine reviewer on her site and to post some of my recipes there too.

Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin

You can see my wine reviews on my profile page an the recipes are here.

I would love to hear from you if you have any wine suggestions.

Yesterday Natalie put a link to the CWS recipes in her newsletter. And the “icing on this delicious cake” for me is that I’m right beside a link for Kevin O’Leary. :)

Carla Johnson Cooking With Sin Natalie MacLean

Carla's Profile Page

Carla Johnson Kevin O'Leary Cooking With Sin

Natalie MacLean newsletter Jan. 18, 2013





Cheers to Best Bites 2012!

Posted on: October 7th, 2012 by Carla Johnson No Comments

The tents are down, the chairs and tables stored and the grounds have been cleared. It has been a few weeks since we held our 6th annual Best Bites 2012 fundraiser and the great memories linger on.

"Carla Johnson" "Best Bites" "Cooking With Sin"

A year ago I committed to becoming more involved in my community here in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. I had been a vendor for the first time at Best Bites 2011 and really enjoyed it, so when Sue, the organizer, asked me to volunteer on the Best Bites committee I happily got on board. I am so glad I did.

Best Bites 2012 was held under 4 large white tents and featured 42 local food & drink vendors: 23 beverage companies and 19 restaurants/chefs/caterers. This year’s theme was Vegas and we were entertained by the great band Moebius and the phenomenal Aerial Angels. 350 attendees and our sponsors helped raised almost $80,000 that will go towards our purchase of an MRI for the Cambridge Memorial Hospital and the Rotary Club of Preston-Hespeler.

Thank you to Wayne Atack at Roving Eye Photographic services for volunteering his time and his eye. You can see his red carpet photo shoot here.

We really appreciated our food & drink judges who volunteered to join us for the afternoon.

"Best Bites" "Cooking with Sin" "Carla Johnson"
Our great judges: Jake, Andrew, Adele, Jay and me

Our Best Bites food & drink judges were:

Andrew Coppolino – Waterloo Region Eats

Jay Chagnon – TV Personality

Adele Newton – CHYM 96.7 Host

Jake Richards – Grape Expectations

This year’s food & drink award winners are as follows:

Best Pub Grub: Argyle Arms

"Carla Johnson" "Best Bites" "Cooking With Sin" "Slava Vodka"

Best International Food: Mango Chutney

Best Sweet: Divalicious

Best Taste: Cambridge Mill

Best Local: Chef D

Best Savoury: Borealis

Best Presentation: C’est Cheese

Most Original: The Bruce"Carla Johnson" "Cooking With Sin"

Judge’s Choice: Kiwi

Best VQA White Wine: Vineland Estates O’Leary Chardonnay

Best VQA Red Wine: Southbrook Connect

Best International White: Lifford Wine Agency’s Hess Chardonnay

Best International Red Wine: Lifford Wine Agency’s French Red

Best Beer: Waterloo Brewery Authentic Ale

Best Micro Brew: Grand River Pumpkin

Best Spirit: Slava Vodka

Best Mixed Drink: Kiwi Pub’s Granita

Judge’s Choice: Blackfly Tequila Margarita

Peoples’ Choice Best Beverage: Slava Vodka & Lifford Wine Agency

Peoples’ Choice Best Food: Cambridge Mill

People’s Choice Best Booth: Divalicious

"Carla Johnson" "Cooking With Sin"

"Carla Johnson" "Cooking With Sin"

Adele Newton Carla Johnson Best Bites Cooking With Sin

Thank you to Cambridge Now and SNAP Cambridge for covering the event and taking such great photos.

"Carla Johnson" "Cooking With Sin"

Please help us by LIKE-ing Best Bites on Facebook!

"Carla Johnson" "Cooking With Sin"

Thank you to all the participants & attendees!

Hope to see you all again next year!

Cheers to the New Look!

Posted on: September 12th, 2012 by Carla Johnson No Comments

Raise a glass! Cooking With Sin has a whole new look!

A BIG thank you to Chris Steingart at QT Web Designs for his help and brilliant expertise with this new theme! He took all my ideas and photos and created a look nicely in keeping with the spirit of the project.

You can see it still incorporates my “swanky bottle.” Back in 2010, I designed the bottle by hand one afternoon and my friends at TruDezign made it look really cool.

In case you can’t remember, here is the old look.

I am still rejigging the links here, so I appreciate your patience. You will notice CWS now works nicely on mobile devices.

I think Grandma would be kind of proud. :)