If you see a fat man who is jolly and cute,
Wearing a beard and a red flannel suit,
And if he is chuckling and laughing away,
While flying around in a miniature sleigh
With eight tiny reindeer to pull him along,
then lets face it… your eggnog’s too strong!!

Just in time for the Holiday Season! Two wonderful drinks you can serve your guests.
When my husband’s Aunt Susan was a young child, she emigrated with her family – and her 9 siblings! – from the Netherlands, more specifically, Friesland.
By her early 20’s, Susan was well-settled into Canadian life when she met Robert Hogeboom. They fell in love, married and had two beautiful children. Sadly, while the children were still young and Bob was only in his 40’s, he succumbed to cancer. He passed away too quickly and too young.
Susan was energetic and creative and watched her children grow up to marry and have grandchildren, but in her late 50’s, she too succumbed to cancer.
It is an honour to remember Bob and Susan here on the blog. There were very special people who left us wanting so much more of them.
Bob and Susan loved to entertain and Bob always made his own eggnog at Christmas time. Interestingly, he always made it by hand. He said the key was to mix it all with your bare fingers. I think it was his way of adding love. All great cooks know good food needs love. So, roll up your sleeves, scrub your hands really well and let’s get to work.
Uncle Bob’s “Hand Made” Egg Nog
6 egg yolks
1 cup granular sugar
2 cups cognac
1 cup white rum
8 cups (2 quarts) 15% cream
1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar
6 egg whites
1. Beat egg yolks until thick.
2. Gradually add granular sugar until it becomes light in colour.
3. Slowly stir in the alcohol, cognac and rum.
4. Add add the cream and 3 of the egg whites. Stir until mixed thoroughly.
5. In a separate bowl, beat remaining egg whites until thick, then gradually add the confectioner’s sugar.
6. Beat the egg whites and sugar until soft peaks form.
7. Gently stir the egg whites and sugar mixture into the egg yolk mixture.
8. Serve in glasses and garnish.
*By the way, Bob’s egg nog recipe remains popular with many of their relatives & friends. They have all made his egg nog over the years, but none of them make it by hand. 😉
Raise a glass of Christmas Cheer!

Susan was very musical and she often sang with her sisters. They all have great sense of humour and call themselves “The Sour Lemon Sisters.” One of her sisters, Maaike, whips up a very “sin”ful drink she calls Northern Slush. She once served it at a company gathering where it was a hit. One of the people at the party asked for the recipe and as Maaike was writing out the recipe, she realized she had accidentally doubled the liquor in the party batch. That night, a good time was had by all! 
“The Sour Lemon Sisters” Northern Slush
1 – 48 ounce can pineapple juice
1 – 12 ounce can frozen orange juice thawed
1 – 6.5 ounce can frozen lemonade thawed
26 ounces of gin or liquor of choice. Maaike recommends Peach Schnapps.
1 cup strong tea, cooled to room temperature
1. Mix all the ingredients together and freeze for 48 hours. It will become a slush.
2. To serve, scoop the slush into glasses and top with clear soda like 7-Up or Sprite.
Wassail! Wassail all over the town!
Our toast it is white and our ale it is brown;
Our bowl it is made of the white maple tree;
With the wassailing-bowl, we’ll drink to thee!
~ Traditional
Happy Holidays!